
资料类型:英语四级考试真题 授权方式:免费下载 界面语言:简体中文 资料大小:987 运行环境:Win2003,WinXP,Win2000,Win9X 资料等级:★★★☆☆ 发布时间:06-17 20:55 官方网址: 下载次数:896
2009年12月英语四级答案翻译部分 简介:

88. Despite the hardship he encountered, Mark never__gave up pursuing knowlege_(放弃对知识的追求)

89. Scientists agree that it will be a long time before we find the methods of curing cancers(我们找到治愈癌症的方法)

90. Production has to be increased considerably to keep pace with the constantly incre

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