
资料类型:四级听力 授权方式:免费下载 界面语言:简体中文 资料大小:567 运行环境:Win2003,WinXP,Win2000,Win9X 资料等级:★★★☆☆ 发布时间:06-17 20:54 官方网址: 下载次数:1726
2006年6月英语四级答案与试题(听力2) 简介:
ll hear 8short conversationa and 2 long sentance.At the end of each conversations,one ore
more qusetions will be asked about what was both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once,After each
question there will be a pause.you must read the four choices with A) B) C)and D
TAG: , 四级听力,英语四级考试



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